All about
Drivingschool Brose
Our Service
Fahrschule Brose - Driving School Brose
Since 50 years in Cologne
Whether you would like to take a regular driving license (car-class B, motorcycle class A, scooter class AM, moped), exchange of a foreign driving license, retrain or simply need some driving training- at our driving school Fahrschule Brose you will find individual support, expert advice and lots of fun while learning.
Our driving school offers its services in English as well as in Russian.
You can find a lot of information on this website. For further questions please feel free to contact us at +49(0)221/25 21 03 at our opening hours or send us an email
Our teaching hours
The Fahrschule Brose provides an uncomplicated and easy education process that even offers you the opportunity to complete your training within 14 days.
That`s why we offer theoretical training on a daily basis.
You can find the updated daily teaching subjects on the website under " Theory", in the right-hand blue box.
Theoretical education:
Mo, We, Fr
5.30 - 7.00 pm
Tu, Thu
7.00 - 8.30 pm
by appointment
Practical education:
Mo - Sa
by appointment
Our opening hours
The driving school is open every day to help you with questions and problems in order to provide you an efficient education.
Opening Hours:
Monday - Friday
9.00 am - 1.00 pm
by appointment
Contact/How to find us
Driving School Brose
Dürener Str. 353
50935 Köln
+49 (0)221 252 103
You find us in Köln-Lindenthal.
Trams and Underground: 7 from Rudolfplatz to Stop Brahmstr.
Busses: 136 to Stop Brahmstr.
Termine und News
Montag, den 02.12.2024 (17:30 Uhr - 19:00 Uhr)
Keine Theorie
Dienstag, den 03.12.2024 (19:00 Uhr - 20:30 Uhr)
Thema: 13
Mittwoch, den 04.12.2024 (17:30 Uhr - 19:00 Uhr)
Thema: 14
Donnerstag, den 05.12.2024 (19:00 Uhr - 20:30 Uhr)
Thema: 03
Freitag, den 06.12.2024
Keine Theorie
Unsere Theoriestunden pausieren ab dem 23.12.2024 und beginnen wieder am 06.01.2025
Montag, den 09.12.2024 (17:30 Uhr - 19:00 Uhr)
Thema: 01
Dienstag, den 10.12.2024 (19:00 Uhr - 20:30 Uhr)
Keine Theorie
Mittwoch, den 11.12.2024 (17:30 Uhr - 19:00 Uhr)
Thema: 02
Donnerstag, den 12.12.2024 (19:00 Uhr - 20:30 Uhr)
Thema: 04
Freitag, den 13.12.2024
Keine Theorie
Erste Hilfe
Erste Hilfe - First Aid - primeros auxilios
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Aktuell ist leider keine Zweiradausbildung bei uns möglich!
Currently, unfortunately, no two-wheel training is possible with us!
К сожалению, обучение на двухколесном транспорте в настоящее время у нас невозможно!